2025.04.10 Won’t You Be My Neighbor? How Neighborhood Factors Affect Life After Traumatic Brain Injury (Live Webinar)

A Mitchell Rosenthal Memorial Research live webinar featuring Raj G. Kumar, Ph.D. and Shannon B. Juengst, Ph.D., CRC. Airs live at 3 p.m. ET on April 10, 2025.

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The Social Model of Disability indicates that disability occurs as a result of the interaction between a person and their environment. Despite this, research to understand TBI as a chronic condition with resulting disability overwhelmingly focuses only on characteristics and factors within the person (such as demographics, cognitive ability, etc.), and not characteristics of the environments in which people live, work, and play. In this research webinar, Raj Kumar, Ph.D., and Shannon Juengst, Ph.D., CRC will discuss how environmental factors, specifically characteristics of a person’s neighborhood, affect outcomes after TBI. They will highlight findings from a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation on this topic and discuss how attending to these environmental factors is essential if we are to consider TBI from the lens of a Social Model – rather than a Medical Model – of disability.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe how neighborhood factors can affect outcomes after TBI.
  • Identify up to five neighborhood characteristics that have been found to affect post-TBI outcomes.
  • List up to five other neighborhood characteristics that could affect outcomes but have yet to be studied in the TBI population. 

Includes 1 ACBIS CEU.

Speaker Bios:

Raj G. Kumar, Ph.D. is a neuroepidemiologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation and Human Performance at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. His research program integrates the epidemiology of aging and neuroepidemiology with advanced statistical methods to understand the drivers of long-term consequences of TBI. 

Shannon B. Juengst, Ph.D., CRC is a Senior Scientist and Clinical Investigator in the Brain Injury Research Center at TIRR Memorial Hermann and an Adjunct Associate Professor of PM&R at UT Health Sciences Center at Houston. Her work aims to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities related to traumatic brain injury through the development and implementation of effective methods for monitoring emotional and behavioral problems and evidence-based behavioral health interventions to equip and empower persons with TBI and their care partners to independently manage behavioral, cognitive, and emotional difficulties across the continuum of their lives.

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