2021.01.21 – Return-to-Learn: Identifying Challenges and Implementing Strategies with BrainSTEPS (Recorded Webinar)
A Robert Sbordone Memorial mTBI/Concussion Lecture recorded webinar featuring Brenda Eagan-Johnson, Ed.D., CBIST and Janet Tyler, Ph.D.
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Aired live on January 21, 2021. Includes 1 ACBIS CEU.
Note: A certificate of attendance/ACBIS CEU certificate will not be available with the purchase of this webinar after January 31, 2024.
In this webinar, Brenda Eagan-Johnson, Ed.D., CBIST, and Janet Tyler, Ph.D. discuss BrainSTEPS, the brain injury school consulting program created in 2007 to address, mitigate, and monitor challenges for students and schools during return-to-learn following mild, moderate and severe brain injury through the collaboration of trained brain injury educational consultants, medical rehabilitation providers, and parents. This program is now statewide in Pennsylvania and Colorado.
Brenda Eagan-Johnson, Ed.D., CBIST is a national authority regarding the educational aspects of all severities of pediatric Acquired Brain Injury (both traumatic and non-traumatic) with over two decades of experience. Dr. Eagan-Johnson is the State Program Coordinator for the nationally recognized Child and Adolescent Brain Injury School Consulting Program, BrainSTEPS, in Pennsylvania. She helped create this model in 2007. The Colorado Department of Education adopted the BrainSTEPS model in 2016. Dr. Eagan-Johnson focuses on program development, implementation, consultation, and training for the approximately 300 educational consultants on 30 brain injury educational consulting teams across the state. Dr. Eagan-Johnson serves on the Board of Governors for the Brain Injury Association of America's Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists.
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On-demand recorded webinars are non-refundable.