2023.09.12 – TBI, Mental Health, and Negative Health-Related Outcomes (Recorded Webinar)

A David Strauss Memorial Clinical Lecture recorded webinar featuring Lisa Brenner, Ph.D.

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Aired live on September 12, 2023. Includes 1 ACBIS CEU. 

Note: A certificate of attendance/ACBIS CEU certificate will not be available with the purchase of this webinar after September 30, 2026.

In this David Strauss Clinical webinar, Lisa Brenner, Ph.D. will provide a comprehensive analysis of the pre- and post-psychological and physiological exposures linked to TBIs. You will learn how best to recognize and mitigate the risk of negative mental health outcomes over time. She will also provide an overview of current physical and psychological trauma-induced health issues, as well as practical methods to reduce risk in patient populations.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe how psychological and physical exposures accumulate over time to increase the risk for negative health outcomes.
  • Discuss how to recognize and mitigate risk for negative mental health outcomes post-TBI.

 Includes 1 ACBIS CEU.

Speaker Bio

Lisa A. Brenner, Ph.D. is a Board Certified Rehabilitation Psychologist, a Professor of Psychiatry, Neurology, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) at the University of Colorado, Anschutz School of Medicine, and the Director of the Veterans Integrated Service Network 19 Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center. She is the Research Director for the Department of PM&R. Dr. Brenner is also a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Division 22, Rehabilitation Psychology. Her primary area of research interest is traumatic brain injury, co-morbid psychiatric disorders, and negative psychiatric outcomes including suicide. She serves as the Research Division Director for the American Association of Suicidology, and an Associate Editor of the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. Dr. Brenner has numerous peer-reviewed publications, participates on national advisory boards, and is currently co-authoring a book regarding neuro disability and suicide.